Saturday, April 30, 2016

Munivit Anima Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Second Promise

2 years have passed. I was able to gain different kinds of knowledge. Recently, i have begun my physical training like a jog , push up, sit up and martial art. I don't want to abuse my body and suddenly do some heavy weight exercises, but i have a plan to add more weight to my training step by step. Now i'm 9 years old while Lia turned 10 nothing had really changed between our relationship, She still so lovely and always act like a spoiled child when i'm together with her. When Empire mages gave their blessings to her they were all surprised because of the vast quantity of mana that her body holds and the emperor decided to send her to study at the Royal Magus Academy in a few days. She forcefully refuses the emperor's decision because she doesn't want to part with me, but i urged her to go because i don't one to be the one who hold her back. She cried after I told her my opinion, but what else can I do? She has a great future ahead of her and it's not like we won't meet again.

The Empire has also appointed several teachers to me, to prepare me for the day of the blessing when i turn 10. They taught me a lot of things like how important the magic in this world and how the emperor changed the fate of humanity. Basically, I already know about those things, but I don't act like a smart-ass in front of them, i don't want to piss them off if possible, there is also an instructor who teaches me swordsmanship and martial arts, but he was immediately got fired from his job because i'm way better than him, my brother Kyle noticed my talent and she asked my mother to become my teacher at first i was surprised because other than Lia, no one of our siblings has bothered to even pay a small attention to us. While my older brother Kyle was teaching me, he noticed that i'm using different kind of techniques that he never saw before and asked me where did i learned those but i answered that i just imitated the books that i've read, he doesn't seem interested to dig in any further so he let me continue to do those strange movements. There were also martial arts in this world, but if we compare it the martial arts in my past life, the martial arts in this world is way inferior i think it was because  the martial arts in my past life was able to evolve to it utmost power because humans can't use magic, but even so, they were able to make their martial arts so deadly. So if i fight someone with martial arts without the use of magic, i'm pretty confident i can defeat them.

I took a bath after my training near the garden and my mother came to hand me the towel and clothes. After my bath, i went to relax in the living room and sat together with my mother who's currently sewing my clothes that were tattered during my training.

"You should talk to Lia." My mother said while sewing.

"Is there a problem with Lia?" I ask her in wonder. I wasn't able to play with her this past two days because i was tired from my training.

"She's about to leave after a few days, so you should spend more time with her."  Ahh, so it's about that. Yeah, she's going to leave in a few days and will go study at Royal Magus Academy.

"I see. Well, i plan on spending more time with her anyway. I guess i should see her after i rest."

My mother smiled at my response and began to speak again.

"Do you plan to preserve your royal blood?" She asked while giving me a naughty smile.

Royal blood huh? I never really thought about that and i don't plan on becoming an Emperor. I plan to find the person who brought me into this world. A year ago when i was having a self-study in the library, i stumbled upon a book about magic from lowest rank to the highest rank there are currently 7 ranks of magic and those are

Novice rank

Middle rank

Sage rank

Master Sage rank

Magus rank



Those are the ranks of magic, but let's talk about Invoker right now because no human even the emperor has ever reached that rank, but according to the book that i read, a person with the rank of Invoker can manipulate the realm of life and death to pull a soul and give it an artificial body, but in my case it was different i was reincarnated and born from a mother. I tried searching books related to reincarnation, but failed, all of the books gave strong evidence that reincarnation is impossible because it would take an impossible amount of mana to make it possible and if you wonder how much mana it would take, it would at least take mana twice the amount of this world. So my only clue is the Invoker but i'm not even sure if an Invoker really exists.

"We'll even if it exist... I'm pretty sure it's not a human." i murmured those words to myself.

"Flint?" My mother noticed that i stayed silent for a long time and tried to take my attention. I guess i should answer her question for now.

"Mother, I don't know how to answer your question.... but for now i don't have any plans on becoming the emperor, besides, I have more than 30 siblings and i don't want to make them enemies." I told her my honest opinion.

"*Siiiigh* You didn't get it, do you?" my mother gave a long sigh the gaze at me with amazement.

"I'm talking about Lia. Are you going to take her as your wife?" My mother then smiled after she said those words.

"...........What?"  After a very long pause, i again asked her.

"Lia shows much affection to you and i thought you already noticed it...."

"We'll i actually noticed it. The way she shows her affection is very different in the way you should treat a sibling, but i don't think it's a good idea to talk about marriage right now... I still have a lot of things that i want to do and also..... Incest? Even though she's just my half sister.... i'm not so sure about that mother."

"Well, just so you know royalties are allowed to marry some of their siblings to preserve the royal blood, Didn't you know that the first Prince married two of his sisters." My mother is like trying to force her opinion to me. Do you really want me to marry Lia?

"I'm not the first prince and i don't want to think about marrying yet, so please just spare me." I don't want to flatly reject my mother because it might hurt her feelings so i just gave her a vague answer.

"Anyway, I'll go see Lia now... See you later mother." I gave her a kiss on the cheek then prepare to leave.

"Lia will become a splendid girl in the future and she even became a genius in magic i'm pretty sure that she'll have a lot  of suitors in the future, but i'm pretty sure you're the only that she will love and good luck if you can survive her advances after she became a very beautiful lady fufufu.... " My mother is looking at me while giving an evil laugh.

"W-whatever. Bye~"

I began to go to Lia's place.


When i reached their mansion i saw Lia's mother taking care of their own garden outside. She had the same color of hair like Lia and also have a gentle expression like my mother. I can tell that she's a caring person just by looking at her.

She look at me and gave a small smile.

"Lia's inside," She told me like she knew what i was about to ask.

"Ah Yes.. Thank you..." I bowed my head to her and enter the mansion.

After i opened the door i immediately saw Lia in front, It seems like she saw me outside and waited for me in front their door.

"I'm going to leave in a few days...." Lia said with a heartbroken expression.

"Don't be like that... It's for your own good, you know? I'm really looking forward seeing you become a very strong Magician. You might even have the capabilities to use a Master Sage rank magic" Although it's a bit exaggerated, i know if she works hard it's not impossible for her to reach it.

"I don't want to be strong! I just want to stay with you and who knows if you suddenly have a new girl with you while i'm away!" She shouted at me angrily. I turned around to look at her mother and i was surprised to see my own mother standing next to her and for some reason they're both giggling. Mother, do you think to see your own son having a hard time?

I'll ignore those two for now and turn my attention back to Lia.

"That won't happen, Lia. You know that our other siblings is not fond of each other, so i don't think any of our sister would waste their time talking to me." I tried to pat her head while saying those words, but she pushed my hand away.

"But Even so!... I still don't want to leave you!" Ahh, she's starting to become a pain. I'm happy that she really cared for me, but she must also think about herself.

"Lia if you turn out to become a successful mage, i would be very happy and even grant you a single wish in the future." i guess giving her an award will convince her but I'm not sure if it's effective.

"..." Lia became  silent for a while the slowly open a mouth.

"Any wish?" She asked while tilting her head.

"Yes, as long as it's within my capabilities." I smiled at her and gave my honest answer. I was able to hide my surprise that it worked.

"Fufufu....." Her eyes began to sparkle while she put her right hand in her mouth and began to laugh.

I don't know what she's thinking, but now i don't have to think about her leaving my side while having a sad expression. This is also for her own good, i'm just helping her as my sibling.

"Then we have a deal then. Yaaay~"  She gave her answer and jump onto my chest. Looking at her like this it really gives joy in my heart even though i'm a little bit sad that she's  gonna leave me soon i guess it's okay i'll be able to see again in a few years so i don't see a problem with that.

I also hugged her and patted her head.


A few days later Lia was already prepared to leave. Her mother, my mother and me are currently in front of the Empire's building to bid Lia our goodbyes.

"Wait for me Flint~ I'll become the greatest magician of Royal Magus Academy then you would have to fulfill our promise. Fufufu..." Is she really happy that much about our promise. Now that i think about it, this is her very first request from me so that might be the reason for her to be so excited.

"We'll do your best so that i can grant you your wish."

"Of course!" She answered cheerfully while puffing her chest.

At that time, the carriage together with several knights riding horses came to get Lia. When Lia saw that she gave me a one last hug.

"You're only mine Flint~ Okay?" She said it to me with a teary eye.

I really appreciate her feelings, but i don't think her feelings for me will remain the same. She's still young and going to experience a lot of things, Humans will always change as they mature. So i don't think her feelings will remain the same though there are chances that it might get stronger but those are only rare.

So i think it's safe to play along for now since she's gonna forget her feelings for me after a few years.

If i say no to her she might refuse to leave so i guess it's okay to go with the flow once in a while.

"Yes" I gave my answer to her in a delighted tone.

She's very pleased with my answer and decided to enter the carriage

"Then i'll be going now. "


""Fufufu"" My mother and Lia's mother are both laughing while covering their mouth with their hands.

"What?" i asked them in curiosity.

"You just went down the road of no return." my mother said in a smile.



In the Demon, Continent Demon King Agara is seating on his throne when one of his soldier came and deliver a message.

"My liege, The Princess found her!"  With an excited tone, the demon soldier reported to her superior.

"So my daughter found him huh? Since when?" The Demon King Smiled at the soldier then asked.

"Since two years ago." Delivering a message from Entros to the Demon Continent is almost impossible because if a demon stepped into the human territory, the Empire would immediately summon their best knights and mages to kill it, but the Demon king can't just abandon their hero so he sent her own daughter to find him. The Demon Princess has the ability to fly in the sky, She's the only person in the world who can do that and she can also use Magus Rank magic so the only way for the Empire to defeat her is to use thousands of mages and Knights or if the Emperor decided to personally handle her but the chances for that to happen is very low.

"Tell my daughter to observe him for a little bit longer we can't risk to forcefully take him from the Empire since he might come to hate us." The Demon king issued a command to his soldier.

"Yes sir!"

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